
Quick Remote Learning Advice

Remote Learning Tips: Whiteboards

Honouring Voices

Keeping Students Connected - Routines, Live Connections, Engaging Images

Micro Videos for Junior Grades

Jamboard & Provocation Videos

Virtual Manipulatives

Clickable Virtual Manipulatives

Online Math Tools and Reflection Ideas

Potential wording for checking with parents (use a few, this is not a list that needs to be followed, but could be helpful to meet the needs of students / families):

  • After our first week of Virtual Learning, did you find the work manageable (child able to complete the work in approximately one hour/day or 5 hours/week)? Would you prefer more or less work?

  • How long, on average, is it taking your child to complete the work assigned?

  • If it's taking your child more than 1 hour daily to complete work, what is the reason for this?

  • Would you prefer to have work due dates moved to the end of each WEEK (not daily work due)?

  • What would be an ideal schedule for the number of Google Meet sessions in a week?

Remote Learning Resources