Financial Support

We understand that we are stewards. A steward is someone who protects or is responsible for something. This can be your family, a possession, time, money, etc. As stewards, we have the opportunity to bless others with what we have been given, be it a little or just enough. A tithe is 10% of one's income. An additional offering is anything above the tithe. We do not succumb to a percentage, however. We encourage you to be an extravagant giver to God, something done cheerfully.

Your financial gift will help to provide support for local ministries, leadership development, Christian education, community service, and the monthly expenses such as rent.

If you want to help financially support the ministry of The Experience, our mailing address is:

The Experience

P.O. Box 1205

Meridian, ID 83680

You can also donate securely online. Follow the link below to the Adventist Giving portal, then click the Donate button at the top and enter "The Experience". The prompts will guide you through the remainder of the process.

The Experience is growing and impacting through very challenging times. COVID has pushed us to online services which has given us the opportunity to reach people we never would have previously. God has put this powerful method of reaching outward into our hands when people are searching for hope more desperately than ever. We can provide the reassurance and encouragement they need through our online connections. The Experience leadership team has put together a fundraising plan that will take us into the future. If you can give a little extra beyond your usual gifts, please use the link below to contribute liberally. Mark your checks for "Online Ministries".