Asking to change a policy
about a past eviction

Are you applying to rent a place and...

If you answered yes to both questions, you have the right to ask for the owner or property manager to adjust their policy about renting to people with evictions. 

How does the eviction process work?

Eviction is the legal order that tells someone that they can’t stay living in a place. Eviction might happen for reasons such as:

Some owners have guidelines that say they will not rent to someone with an eviction in their past. 

How does the law protect someone with a disability?

Maybe an eviction was related to a disability. If so, an owner can't use an eviction as a reason to say no to someone's application. Here are some examples:

A light skinned person with brown hair and a brown beard saying that his eviction was in the past and that he now gets a lot of support from family and a therapist.

Joe's story

Joe had a hard time managing his mental health and had trouble following some of the building rules. 

He was evicted for these issues. Now, he is now getting support and feels more stable.

Joe can appeal if his application is rejected because of his past eviction since it was related to managing his disability.

Antonia's story

Antonia had some serious health issues and she did not pay her rent while she was dealing with them. 

She was evicted. Today, she is able to manage these issues and has systems in place to make sure her rent gets paid.

Antonia can appeal if her application is rejected because of her eviction since it was related to her disability.

A graphic of a woman with light brown skin and wavy black hair describing her medical team and how it supports her.

Big Takeaway: you have the right to explain your past situation and how it relates to your disability. You have the right to make the case that the eviction is not relevant anymore because your situation related to your disability has changed.

Asking for an accommodation about an eviction: sample letter 

Here is a sample letter about eviction history that explains some important things to include. The examples here might not all apply to your situation. You should include details that are true to you in your letter (or the person you are writing a letter for).

Eviction History Accommodations