Welcome to 7th Grade Science. I am looking forward to the new school year and getting to know all of my students. 

I use Google Classroom to post our agenda and our work every day. If a student misses class, they will need to check Google Classroom to see what they missed and what work we did as they will be responsible for making up the missed work. 

You will be able to get updates to what is happening in class and check for any homework on Google Classroom. If a student needs to access documents from the day's class, they will need to access it from our Google Classroom.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Dionne 

7th Grade Science

Littleton Middle School

7th Grade Curriculum Topics


If a student is absent, they will need to check Google Classroom for missed work and how to complete it.

Late Work: 

If a student needs to submit an assignment late due to an absence, assignment extension, or for any other reason, they will need to submit their work according to instructions for each specific assignment and complete this Google Form with each late assignment.

This Google Form submission is how I will know the work has been turned in and needs to be graded. 

Mrs. Dionne's Science Late Work Submission Form

Class Participation 


Citizenship Rubric

Students will complete this rubric each trimester. This will account for 10% of their overall grade. It is a way for students to take accountability for themselves in the classroom and boost their grade a bit, just by simply following this rubric.