Littleton School Band & Chorus

Important links:

Littleton Music Boosters is a group of parents supporting Littleton's band and chorus programs in grades 5 through 12. Contact us at: And please Like us on Facebook at Littleton MA Music Boosters!

The Minor Chord Music Outfitters: 80 King St, Littleton. Provider of instruments, supplies, repairs & lessons. When you visit, please thank them for supporting our band program through Littleton Music Boosters. Visit their website at

David French Music: The Littleton school music program uses David French Music Company for instrument rentals and repairs. If you rented through our school program, this is the company you're using. If you have any questions, please follow the link to their website at or call (508) 366-5994. Instrument pick-ups for repair are available at the school.

updated OCT 2019