Contact and Meet Me


Email is the best way to contact me


(978) 486-3959 x1207

My phone does not ring during the school day. You may leave a message on my phone and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Dojo App

You can message me through our class Dojo App. I will get an alert on my phone.

A Little About Me:

I live in Townsend, MA with my husband, son, daughter and 2 dogs. My husband's name is Sam. My son's name is Richard and he is 2 years old. My daughter's name is Charley and she is only 5 months old. My 2 black labs are named Kooper and Toby. They are brothers.

Over the summer I played outside a lot with Richard, Charley and the two dogs! I love the woods, hiking and going to the beach!

I can't wait to start our year together in Room 207. Together we are going learn so much and I can't wait to get to know each other.

Here are some of my favorites:

Color: Blue

Sport: Field Hockey

Children's Book: Charlotte's Web and The One and Only Ivan

Food: Cantaloupe

Drink: Coffee

Ice Cream Flavor: Coffee Oreo

Season: Summer