Antivirus Protection

Today's Internet unfortunately poses many risks and vulnerabilities to our safety, personal information, our connected devices, and the way we do business online. While traditional antivirus programs are not a "catch-all" to keep up with today's malware and viruses, they are still an important step in protecting yourself and your device online. Pairing our good cyber hygiene and digital citizenship with these protection tools are key to experiencing a safe browser experience.

The Litchfield School District deploys an enterprise antivirus solution to all our district owned assets, excluding Chromebooks. Chromebooks are designed with a hardened operating system to protect against cyber threats.

More about Chromebook security can be read here:

For those community members, students and staff who are looking to take better steps to protect their wireless networks and personal devices at home, some free antivirus programs on the market today include:

Sophos Home -

Best free plan for families, great interface with parental controls for up to 3 devices

Avira Free Security -

Panda Security -

There are many paid versions of antivirus available to choose from as well. The Litchfield IT Department cannot be held liable for any issues incurred with installing or using ANY antivirus program and the information contained on this page is strictly to raise awareness of these products.