What is ELL?

ELL(english language Learners) is a state and federal mandated program for students who speak or have a second language spoken at home. The ELL program strives to assist students in assimiliating into the school environment with the ultimate objective of maximizing student performance and improving English language skills. The program also strives to establish a connection with the families in an attempt to involve them into the school community. This dual approach assures that ELL students and their families become involved in the school community to the greatest extent possible.


How are students identified as ELL students?

A Home Language Survey is completed at the time of school registration. If there is an indication of a language other than English, the form is forwarded to the ELL teacher. After a review of information, the student’s English skills are assessed with either the Wida Acreener or the MODEL. Eligibility for services is based on those test results. Parents may not opt-out of this initial assessment,however parents may choose to opt out of services if they are recommended based on these screeners.

Exiting the program

Whether or not a student receives ESOL services, annual testing is required by Federal law and New Hampshire State Standards for English Language Learners. The state of New Hampshire uses the ACCESS to fulfill these requirements. During the winter, students eligible for ESOL services are assessed in the four language areas: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Students must score a composite of no less than 5.0 with no language domain score less than 4.0 to be considered proficient in the English language.