English Monarchy


  • Choose an English monarch who ruled during the Middle Ages (500 AD - 1400 AD).

  • It can be any monarch; if you don’t know where to start, you can choose Alfred the Great, King Cnut, William the Conqueror, King John, or Edward I.

Your project should address the following aspects of your monarch:

  • Their influence on medieval English society and politics. Did they expand the realm? Did they enact any reforms? Did they change their country for better, or worse?

  • Military campaigns they were involved in

  • Describe how they wielded power. Were they an absolute monarch? Did they take their subjects’ opinions into consideration? Where did their legitimacy come from? How did they exert power?

  • Describe their family. How were they related to the previous monarch? Did they leave any heirs?

Where to Start?

If accessing externally find our account info here (must be signed into your Litchfieldsd.org Google account).

Gale World History is a great starting point

Meet with the Librarian

Having trouble getting started? I am happy to help either in person or through email. Come by and see me during your class or study hall. If you are remote we can do a Google Meet.

Search the Library Catalog

Search for additional books within our CHS library collection.

Dig a Little Deeper

If accessing externally find our account info here (must be signed into your Litchfieldsd.org Google account).

Discovery Channel-

  • Great place for videos, images and information

  • Discovery Channel Log In:

    • sau27 followed by their normal username (1st initial, last name, YOG) EXAMPLE: sau27BSmith21

    • PASSWORD: student123

Gale in Context: Biographies

  • Biographical and contextual information on notable people throughout history

Google Scholar!

Instead of "Googling it" try Google Scholar, you'll get better resources without the advertisements.


  • Encyclopedia access to search for additional information about the culture (Sign in required)