Student Help Page

How can students get help?

Here you will find an exact copy of the help page that your child/ren have access to as part of the Vaping Awareness and Prevention Program they recently completed at school. As well as raising awareness of the harm vaping causes our young people and aiming to prevent the take up of the habit, it is very important that we give our students the tools to get help to stop vaping.

I'm vaping... how do I stop?

How MacKillop College can help...

If you find yourself vaping and want to break free from this habit, seeking help is undoubtedly the most effective course of action. There are no consequences for speaking to a trusted teacher, PC teacher, Leader of Pastoral Care or any MacKillop College staff member about how you can stop vaping.  You only get into trouble if you vape at school, reaching out for help however, is greatly encouraged.

Vaping addiction can be a challenging and complex problem to overcome, as it often involves both physical and psychological dependence on nicotine or other substances. Professional support, such as counseling or quitting programs, can provide you with a structured and evidence-based approach to quitting. 

We can organise for you to speak to a counsellor in order to start the first steps of breaking the habit. Leaders of Pastoral Care can also help you have difficult conversations with your family so they know what's happening, and can work with you to increase your chances of successfully quitting. Often there is a reason you may have started, and seeking help can often address the root causes of your vaping habit, and any underlying emotional or mental health issues that may be contributing to it. 

Quitting is a journey, and seeking assistance can greatly increase your chances of success while providing you with the guidance and encouragement needed to reclaim a healthier and smoke-free life. 

If you are not comfortable talking to someone at school.  Try outside help...



Talk or Call

Talk to someone you trust; family member, GP or an organisation like Head Space

Call Quit helpline 13 7848

