Helpful Tips
If you are having trouble viewing Events or accessing parts of Compass we suggest you go to the Computer Access instead of the app.
For more functionality in the app click on OPEN IN BROWSER. This will provide you with more options, you can zoom in and out to see more.
Make sure your app is up to date - enable auto updates if possible.
Make sure you have notifications enabled - this will ensure you are getting immediate information as required.
If you can not access Compass check you are using the correct username and password - each parent has their own unique access.
The CSO has enabled the ability to ‘translate’ your homepage on your Compass portal. The ability to use Google Translate will only work on the Dashboard version of the Compass application. The translate button can be found on the lower right hand side of the dashboard version of Compass, and will only work on the home page - ie. it will translate your news feed items. Simply click on the translate button and select your desired language.