Our Catholic Faith

Letter from Bishop Gregory Homeming OCD

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold at a rapid pace, the spiritual, educational and emotional health of all members of our school communities remain the highest priority of our Catholic parish schools.

The Catholic Church has always supported the understanding that parents are the first and foremost educators in their children's spiritual lives. Below are some resources you may find helpful to ensure the spiritual lives of your families are nourished during this time of challenge for our Catholic parishes, churches and Catholic school families.

Reimagining the Examen offers a unique prayer experience that’s tailored to your needs and mood. Each Examen, based on St. Ignatius’s 500-year-old prayer, guides you through a stimulating reflection on your day, helping you invite God into your nitty-gritty. Choose an Examen that matches your current state of being, or pray that day’s scheduled reflection.

When you can't celebrate the Eucharist at Church, learn how to make a Spiritual Communion.

This guide is aimed to support you during this time of uncertainty which we are all going through.

We hope this prayer guide will help you stay close to God as you stay where you are.