Participating in our Learning Community 

We welcome parents who would like to volunteer in the primary section of the school and offer a range of opportunities to do so. Please see the details listed below:

Year Level Parent Volunteers

The role of the Year Level Parent Volunteer is to foster a good working relationship between the parents of the year level (EY to Year 6), the PTA and teachers in the year level; and to build communication networks to enhance our school community. 

We welcome any parent who would like to assist. Please contact the Primary Office if you need more details.

Year Level Parent Volunteer Role Description and Expectations

Reading Volunteers

Our Reading Volunteers come into classes during the day to listen to the children read and enable the students to gain further practice in this important skill. Please feel free to join us even if your children are not in Year 1, 2 or 3 - we have many volunteers helping who have children in other year levels.

Reading Volunteer - Tips to support reading in English and Portuguese

Library Volunteers  

We have a number of people who offer support to the library in a voluntary capacity. They assist with the books, making displays and other duties. If interested in assisting in the library, please contact our Library Team.

Child Safeguarding

Child safeguarding is a priority at LIS. All volunteers will be expected to attend a short training session. Additionally, they will also be expected to sign and submit to the school the LIS Volunteer Code of Conduct before commencing their duties as a volunteer.