Review for AP Chem Test

Below is a link to an on-line test book. It is from 2005, and the course was re-designed in 2013 so some of the questions no longer apply (like the infamous FRQ #4 wherein you had to write out balanced net ionics). However, this is a good resource as the AP test approaches and you don't want to pay for a review book (or carry one around). I do encourage you to start reviewing early.

Below is a link to review videos created by an AP teacher who uses the same book we do (Brown & LeMay). He covers each Chapter (divided by section), working problems & explaining concepts.

Below is a link to some "flashcards" for review of various topics. To work them, pause the video BEFORE the answers appears on-screen (or is read aloud by the author). Some of these questions are not things we need to know, so if you are unfamiliar with the question altogether, no worries.