For Parents

Information in both English and Spanish

C4B4Me Process for Parents and Guardians


Grading guidelines for each grade level or course will be communicated and distributed to students and their parents by the classroom teacher. Grading guidelines also outline in what circumstances a student will be allowed to redo an assignment or retake an examination for which the student originally made a failing grade. Procedures for a student to follow after an absence will also be addressed. To promote the success of all students, grading practices should be consistent from campus to campus and among teachers within a department. 

Minimum Grades Per Six Weeks

Conduct Sign-Ins

Work Habit Sign-Ins

0: Excellent

0-1: Excellent

1-2: Satisfactory

2-3: Satisfactory

3-4: Needs Improvement

3-4: Needs Improvement

5 or more: Unsatisfactory

5 or more: Unsatisfactory

Restorative Discipline Plan

Each class will have an Essential Agreement signed by all students and the teacher

1st Offense: Student will receive a verbal warning Use the cool-down zone

2nd Offense:  Use the cool-down zone

Student and fill out a Choose to be responsible CONTRACT to be reviewed/discussed with the teacher signed by a parent and returned the following day

Scan Contract Signed by the teacher and student and send in a message to the parent on Class Dojo 

If the contract is not signed and returned, contact the Parent contact with a resolution suggestion/agreement 

3rd Offense - 5th Offense: Minor Offense write-up

Use the cool-down zone

Keep your portion of the write-up, and send the rest home to the parent

For each write-up, the parent must be contacted

Consequences of Offense (Examples)

Lunch Detention on Stage

No after-lunch recess time

Recess Detention (not the lunch recess)

Major offenses (outlined by the progressive discipline plan) 

Be sure to fill out discipline referrals COMPLETELY

Send to office

Ms. Dunlap and Ms. Eagan will handle discipline referrals

Major Offenses require 5 write-ups before turning in (including the contract) to the office

On the fifth referral send to the office all documentation including the signed contract 

Remember to be Consistent, Firm, and Fair:

Work Habits Grade

100 = No sign-ins = E

89 = 1 sign-in = S

84 = 2 sign-ins = S

79 = 3 sign-ins = N

74 = 4 sign-ins = N

69 = 5 sign-ins = U

64 = 6 sign-ins = U

Quick links to frequently asked questions