Class Information

Welcome Letter

Mr. Simpson Pre AP GT Algebra and Geometry

GT Math Class Guide

The following sections contain important information regarding communication, grading, resources, and expectations.


I am committed to communication. The following list contains information about the five different means of communication I will use.

    1. Remind: Remind is a free and safe texting service for parents and students. You can subscribe to Algebra or Geometry grade class by texting:

1st Period Algebra: fmsalg1 to 81010

3rd Period Geometry: fmsgeo to 81010

4th Period Algebra: fmsalg4 to 81010

6th Period Algebra: fmsalg6 to 81010

7th Period Algebra: fmsalgb7 to 81010

I will text reminders about projects, tests, and other important announcements.

Please subscribe! Normally I will answer any texts during my team meeting or conference period. You can find that schedule the home page.

3. Email: My address is and I will check my mail at least once a day, usually in the mornings. Please let me know if your email or other contact information changes.

4. Progress Reports and Report Cards: If your child does not bring one home, please contact me or the school office.I'll email and send out a remind when these reports are released.

5. Skyward: Skyward is a great resource for monitoring your child’s grades in every class. Please contact me or the school office if you need help setting up an account. When you are monitoring your child’s grades, please allow up to one week for the grades to be entered into the system.

6. Phone: You can reach me by phone during 15th th period or after school until 4:15 (Unless I am at an afterschool program) at (903) 446-2710. Of course, you can schedule a face to face conference if you prefer.

Grading and Homework: Grading is a district policy and will be based on the following scale:

Tests and Projects: 40% Daily Assignments: 50%

Homework: 10%

No extra credit will be given by any teacher.

Prep AP: Homework and late work will follow district policies.

GT Policies: Homework, late work and make up work are addressed in the GT Grading Policies document that was sent home for a parent signature. Please email me if you need another copy.

*Important* I will only allow GT students to make up two missed assignments every six weeks.

All Students: Students are allowed to correct tests for a 70. Corrections must be made on a separate piece of paper. Do not erase any of the original work, then turn it in on or before the due date.

Resources: Students will receive textbooks that they can keep at home this year with access to an online book and tutorials. We have access to a class set if we use them in class. So, they do NOT need to carry them in their backpacks. I know how heavy those things already get. Please WATCH for more information about the sign in codes and website information. Other resources will be on the class website.

Google Classroom: This year Google Classroom will be required. It will be by far the most important resource for your student.. For remote learners, you will need to access this to do your work. There may be times where all students will be required to turn in work into Google Classroom. I recommend you gain access to it through your student's login. Everyday, I will post what we did in class. I make videos of every classroom lectures I do for students to go back over if needed but more importantly to use if they are absent. If you have a printer, I will try to post all assignment there so that they can be printed as well.

Use the codes to access either Algebra or Geometry:

Period Code

1st Pre-AP Algebra sa5vqm3

3rd GT Geometry n7fc4kp

4th GT Algebra pgrkppd

6th GT Algebra divsimq

7th Pre-AP Algebra 36jxfuy

Classroom Rules: The classroom rules are the first level of the overall campus behavior plan. See the Campus Disciplinary Policies for details regarding disciplinary expectations.


1. I really recommend buying the TI-84 Plus calculator. A TI-83 will do, but it lacks features that I will be using. I know it is a big investment, but your student will use it throughout high school and hopefully college.

2. I do have a classroom set of calculators your kid needs. However, they must stay here at school. Also, if they choose to use the school calculators, they will be responsible for their well being while they are using them.

I am so happy to be teaching your child and I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!

Chris Simpson

Pre AP and GT Algebra and Geometry