
The LISD Athletic Department has taken certain steps to comply with House Bill No. 2038 and would like to provide you with information that explains concussion prevention, symptoms, treatment, and oversight and include guidelines for safely resuming participation in an athletic activity following a concussion.

While not all concussions can be prevented, the risk of a concussion can be reduced by correctly wearing appropriate equipment and applying proper techniques for each individual sport or athletic activity. Some signs and symptoms of a concussion could include, but are not limited to:  appearing dazed or stunned, confusion, forgetfulness, clumsiness, balance problems, personality changes, responding slowly to questions, loss of consciousness, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, double vision, blurry vision, sensitivity to light or noise, feeling sluggish, feeling foggy, problems concentrating or problems remembering.

While recovering from a concussion, limiting the amount of time texting, listening to music, watching TV, working or playing on a computer, playing video games and being in over stimulating environments should be a priority.  Sleep should also be a priority and unless otherwise instructed by a physician, it is not necessary to wake the athlete during the night.  If the student athlete’s treating physician believes that student needs a modified academic program, the student athlete should present written instructions from the physician to an athletic trainer who will notify the appropriate school personnel to organize the modifications.

Once a coach, physician, licensed health care professional or the student’s parent or guardian suspects the student athlete of having sustained a concussion, he or she must be evaluated by a physician.  Once asymptomatic, the student athlete may begin the return to play protocol as established by the LISD Concussion Oversight Team.  After the student athlete has completed the return to play protocol with no symptoms and has a written release signed by his or her treating physician, the designated school individual (usually an athletic trainer) and the parent or responsible decision-maker for the student athlete will sign the UIL’s Concussion Management Protocol Return to Play Form.  The release must be signed by a physician.

The Return to Play Protocol consists of four phases.  Phase 1:  light aerobic exercise—15-20  minutes on an exercise bike or light jog or walk; no weight lifting, resistance training or any other exercise is advised.  Phase 2:  moderate aerobic exercise—15-20 minutes of running at moderate intensity in the gym or on the field without a helmet or other equipment.  Phase 3:  increased activity such as weight lifting, resistance training, sprints and other exercises.  Phase 4:  non-contact training drills.   If an athlete returns to activity before being fully healed from an initial concussion, the athlete is at risk for a repeat concussion.  A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain has a chance to recover from the first can slow recovery or increase the chance for long-term problems.  In rare cases, a repeat concussion can result in severe swelling and bleeding in the brain that can be fatal sometimes called second impact syndrome.

Longview ISD athletic trainers will use SWAY testing as a tool in their assessment of traumatic brain injuries.  Student athletes in a contact or collision sport may be asked to take a baseline test prior to the start of their season and test(s) post injury at the discretion of the athletic trainer.  Testing will be administered and analyzed by the athletic trainers.  LISD's complete procedure can be viewed by clicking Concussion Protocol.  

Drug testing policy applies to middle and high school students who plan to participate in athletics, band, choir, ROTC, cheerleading or Viewettes/Drill Team.  Students are not allowed to participate until this form is completed, signed and returned.  Random testing is scheduled throughout the school year.  LISD's Drug Testing Policy can be viewed by clicking the link below.

LISD Drug Testing Policy and Procedures

Braces may be checked out from Coach Scotter, Coach Martin or Coach Gill.  All braces must be returned at the end of your sport season or you will be charged for them.  We do not have enough braces to equip all athletes for preventative care.  Priority will be given to currently injured student athletes participating in in-season sports.

LOBO Den and Coliseum treatment times are from 7:30-8:05 am and 2:30-4:30 pm. Treatments are also held during your athletic period WITH YOUR COACH'S PERMISSION.  Treatments are NOT held during your regular academic class hours. If you cannot attend treatment during the scheduled times, please make arrangements with an athletic trainer.