


IB Classroom
IB Brochure slides

Programme of Inquiry

The IB Programme of Inquiry consists of transdisciplinary units of inquiry that include:

*a central idea


*lines of inquiry

To understand a central idea, or engage with particular lines of inquiry or learning experiences, knowledge conceptual understandings and specific skills from one or more subjects may be required to support and inform learning. This support may be planned for in advance, or developed within a unit of inquiry.

Learning in ACTION

"Teachers value students for who they are - their personal and cultural identities, home and family languages, and their prior experiences and learning. The interactions between teachers and students, in particular, have a subjective and relational quality because the curriculum and associated learning engagements are a lived experience" (www.ibo.org).

IB Teacher of The Week

All members of the learning community are open to new ideas and committed to seeking a broad range of views and opinions, encouraging open discussion and practicing transparent decision-making process. Teachers extend learning for all students by creating an affirmative and responsive environment that considers student identities and embraces learner diversity. Weekly we highlight teachers exhibiting said elements.

A Glimpse Within the JLE Learning Community:

PYP IB Policies

Academic Honesty, Admission, Assessment, Inclusion and Language

JLE 5 IB Policies.pdf