Read&Write for Google Chrome

Read&Write for Google Chrome is a web-based screen reading software that is available to all students, staff, and faculty at LBCC. The software consists of Google Chrome extensions, allowing users access from any computer.

Experiences in our office (the Center for Accessibility Resources) show that utilizing screen reading software can increase overall reading comprehension. In addition, it can be used for reviewing writing. By listening to what has been written, it is easier to find spelling and grammatical errors.

Read&Write for Google Chrome also has many other functions that are beneficial to all students, including research functions such as highlighting. With the push of a button, highlights can be collected into a single Google Doc.

All lab computers on campus have Read&Write desktop software installed. However, it is generally recommended that students utilize the extensions rather than the desktop software. There are several benefits of using the extensions including the fact that they will be available from any computer. In addition, Texthelp (the company that runs Read&Write) has focused their technical support efforts more on the extensions and less on the desktop software. Overall, we have found that the extensions are more user-friendly.

Getting Started

Logging in to Google Chrome

It is important to log in to Google Chrome with your LBCC email login information to gain access to all of the functions of the software. If you're unsure of what it means to log in to Google Chrome, this video can help. Note that logging in to Google Chrome is different than logging into your Google account online.

Setting Up Read&Write for Google Chrome

Setting up all of the pertinent extensions so that Read&Write for Google Chrome works at it's peak can be a bit tricky. But don't worry - this video will walk you through the entire process!

How to Use Read&Write for Google Chrome

Reading Functions

This video includes instructions on how to read websites, PDFs, and Google Suite documents. Functions discussed include:

  • Hover Speech
  • Screenshot Reader
  • PDF Reader

Writing Functions

This video includes instructions on how to utilize the writing features in Read&Write, such as Prediction and Talk&Type (speech to text).

There are additional customization options for Prediction that will also be discussed.

Dictionary Functions

Get text or picture definitions, perform Google searches, or add terminology to your Vocabulary list to enhance your learning!

Highlighting Functions

Are you working on a research paper and you're struggling to gather and organize all of the information you need? The highlighting features in Read&Write can help! Collect color-coded highlights from web pages into Google Docs - complete with links so you don't lose track of your source material!

Miscellaneous Functions

There are so many helpful functions in Read&Write! This video talks about additional functions including:

  • Audio Maker
  • Screen Masking
  • Translator
  • Simplify page
  • Practice Reading Aloud

Having Trouble?

If you have gone through these videos and Read&Write still isn't working for you, contact us at