NWEA Information 2022-23

Important NWEA Links & School Testing Information

MAMS Checklist of things to do BEFORE WINTER TESTING


NWEA Proctor Scripts

Please download and print these scripts to read to students prior to their tests.

Winter 2023 Testing Schedules 

Grade 6: January 19th & 20th

Grade 7: January 23rd & 24th

Grade 8: January 25th & 26th

Proctor/Student Expectations

It is expected that prior to the week of testing, you will have:

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 Important Details Regarding NWEAs at MAMS

 *If all of the students in your testing session have finished the test prior to the end of the testing session, they are to remain quiet and in your room until the time the session ends has come so as not to disturb those students who are finishing their testing.


*Any technical difficulties, call Bethany (ex. 1227) and she will contact support for you.


*If the exam freezes on a student laptop, the proctor should suspend the test from their device, then have the student shut down their device, restart it, and then go through the process of entering the test again.  


*Students should be given pencils and scrap paper for use during the test.  Pencils can be obtained from the main office.  


*Any requests for students to be opted out of the test should be referred to Megan


*MOTOR BREAK and IN-SCHOOL BEHAVIORS - Please be mindful of the fact that other grades may be testing while your students have a motor or mask break.  Motor breaks should be moved to the front of the building rather than the back.  Additionally, please remember that there will be students testing throughout the day, throughout different parts of the building so we are asking that everyone instruct students to act accordingly - act as if there is testing occurring in all rooms throughout the entire day. 

All Teachers

Limit network use during team time while other grades are testing in order to prevent overload of the network.

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