Approved and Unapproved Online Tools/Apps/Extensions/Resources

You can review the list of approved applications on

Below is a list of applications that DO NOT have a data agreement available at this time with our vendor TEC. Starting on Monday 10/23/2023, MSAD 75 student users will not be able to sign into these applications. This does not mean that these applications will be “blocked” forever; it means that at this time, our district is unwilling to share our students’ data with companies that will not sign a privacy agreement.

 If you discover that your students are blocked from logging into an online tool during class, please create a ticket ASAP in Incident IQ. The Central IT Department will be monitoring the ticket queue closely for these requests to limit classroom disruption.

Open a HelpDesk Ticket HERE by Logging Into IncidentIQ

Google Classroom

Infinite Campus

Promethean Board

State Assessment Resources



GoGuardian Parent App
