Why Quality Matters


Nourishing a child’s mind in the first five years of life is as essential as feeding the body. New scientific research confirms that what happens to children’s brains in their earliest years shapes the adults they become, the success they achieve, and the contributions they make to our economy and society.

85% of brain development occurs ​by age 3

That's why the experiences in these early years must be of the highest quality--to help children get the most and best out of this period of rapid brain growth.

  • Children who attend high quality early childhood programs:

— Are more likely to graduate from high school

— Have higher standardized test scores

— Are less likely to repeat a grade

— Are less likely to need special education services

— Perform better academically and socially

— Will have higher wages as adults

— Are less likely to be arrested for a violent crime

— Are less likely to be a teen parent

— Are more likely to attend college

A quality early childhood experience can be life changing. Choosing quality for your child is important.

Remember, your choices shape their chances!

What are the Standards for Quality?

The Early Learning and Development Standards were created to be a framework for high-quality, developmentally appropriate early childhood programs and were designed to be used by early childhood educators throughout Louisiana. The term early childhood educator describes those responsible for the care and education of children from 0-5.

These standards:

1) Describe what all children from birth to kindergarten should know and be able to do and their attitude about learning;

2) Are appropriate for each age group and for English language learners and children with disabilities and/or developmental delays;

3) Cover all Domains of School Readiness Research has consistently shown that there is a strong link between the quality of early childhood experiences and later school success.

To learn more about the standards, visit:

Early Childhood Standards

The Early Learning and Development Standards were created to be a framework for high-quality, developmentally appropriate early childhood programs and were designed to be used by early childhood educators throughout Louisiana. The term early childhood educator describes those responsible for the care and education of children from 0-5.