I.A. Lewis School Counseling Services
Addie Smith, MA, LPC-S Lincoln Parish Schools, Mental Health Counselor
SEL Lessons
These are live instruction lessons taught by Mrs. Addie Smith, LPC-S through PE or Elective Classes. Slides decks for each lesson can be found in the google classroom, "The Counselor's Office" prior to each lesson. Below is the list of the topics for this year.
August: Meet the Counselor & Where to Go for Help
September: Respecting Other Ram
October: Bullying Prevention
November: Gratitude
December: Conflict Resolution
January: Growth Mindset
February: Healthy Friendships
March: Managing Big Emotions
April: Test Anxiety
May: Celebrate Success! Junior High here we come!
Counselor's Announcements
August 30: Counselor's Newsletter
August 29: Open House 5:30-7:00
September 13: FARK Applications due by 3 pm
August 30th: Ram Reward 1.1,
A Sweet Treat
October 14-18: Bullying Prevention Week
October 16: Unity Day Wear an Orange Shirt!
November 1: Ultimate Ram Jam
(9 Weeks Behavior Reward)
Counseling Services
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor with the state of Louisiana. I have been working with children, individuals, and families for more than 20 years in a variety of settings.
If you are interested in individual or group counseling for your student, please click on either link at the top of this column to complete a request form.
Parent Resources for Middle Schoolers
What is "Normal" for a middle schooler?
This can be a really tough question! Middle schoolers are going through so many changes physically, mentally, and emotionally that it can be difficult to determine if your child is experiencing the typical struggles of middle school or something more serious! I am a firm believer that the adults who love and care for a student at home are the experts in knowing the child the best. So my first recommendation would be to trust your gut. If you feel that something is off with your child, talk with them.
Here are a few things that may be helpful when trying to determine the "normal" behavior for a middle schooler.
Sometimes they cry! Even the boys! Many times they don't even know why they are crying. Hormones can create a real emotional roller coaster for middle schoolers.
Conflict! The drama, the gossip, and even the bullying reaches it's highest peak in the 6th grade. Every year after 6th grade, research shows that these things improve for students until it finally levels off in the 10th grade.
Freedom! You may find yourself suddenly uncool with your middle schooler. At this age, students are becoming more focused on what their peers think versus what parents think. It is part of their natural growing up process. Don't worry! A parent still has the strongest influence in a middle schooler's life!
Sleeping later, messier room, forgetful! As the brain is going through major changes at this age, we see lots of middle schooler's having a difficult time managing themselves. Your once mindful elementary student may become a bit of a mess.
What is not "normal" for middle schoolers?
Isolation: Withdrawal from family relationships and friendships can be a sign that something is wrong. Students need interactive relationships with people they know in real life, not just through gaming and social media.
Difficulty Managing Emotions: If your student consistently has difficulty calming themselves down, remaining calm, or asking for help to calm down if they feel worried, sad, frustrated, or angry, this could interfere with success in their social relationships, as well as school and family life.
Other red flags may be a drastic drop in grades, trouble sleeping, sleeping too much, changes in appetite, or an overall consistent change in mood.
It is a joy for me to work with students and parents! Please let me know if I can ever be of help to you or your student! You can also check back here and in my newsletter for more tips on parenting middle schoolers! -Mrs. Addie
For All Ram Kind 2024-2025
For All Ram Kind is an I.A. Lewis student organization in which it's member students lead the way in creating a more positive, friendly, and kind school climate.
More information & applications are available to all students through my google classroom, "The Counselor's Office" or students may pick one up from Mrs. Addie before or after school. Applications are due Friday, September 13th, 2024 by 3:00 p.m. Late applications cannot be accepted.
Students selected will be announced on Friday, September 27th, 2024.