Class information

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Team Neon and to my social studies class. Throughout this school year, my students will be learning about the history of North Carolina and its role in the history of the United States. The curriculum for our 8th grade social studies covers many areas, therefore, we will work at a fast pace to cover what is expected of us. We will start out the year with a unit on North Carolina geography and early explorers and end up with events from the present day. I welcome any questions or concerns from students or parents. Please feel free to email or call me at school if I can be of help. With all of us working together, we are sure to have a successful school year.


  • Students will need to log into my Google Classroom daily to check for assignments and announcements. Many assignments will be submitted online.

  • Completing/turning in assignments is tied to attendance for days that students are not physically in the school. Please make sure that all assignments are submitted/turned in to be counted present.

  • Monday/Tuesday students will have assignments due the following Monday. Thursday/Friday students will have assignments due the following Thursday. Remote learning students will have assignments due the following Wednesday.

  • Late work will have points deducted. Assignments submitted/turned in one day late will have 20 points deducted, 50 points will be deducted for two days. Assignments turned in 3 days or later will receive a zero.

  • Cheating – Our 8th grade has a strict policy on cheating. If a student is caught sharing his/her paper…homework, classwork, tests, etc…or is caught copying another student’s paper, he/she is sent to ALC and will receive a zero on the assignment.