Cyber Security is paramount in this digital age. Each of our daily lives is intertwined with technology so much so that we must be diligent in keeping our digital world as secure as possible. The best way to do this is to train end-users on how to keep their data secure. 95% of data breaches are caused by human error. Below we will share a few tips and tools to use to help keep your data as secure as possible.

Virus Total is a wonderful resource to use to verify if sites or files are malicious. Use this website to scan a suspicious URL or a file for viruses.

cyber security 101

Watch the slideshow below for basic cyber security tips!


Phishing scams have become very sophisticated. Long gone are the days of a Nigerian Prince emailing you asking for money. Now they spoof an amazon account asking you to track your package, or Apple asking you to update your password because of a compromise. They copy the template perfectly and buy a domain that looks legitimate.

There are a lot of red flags that point to a phishing attempt in emails, some easier to spot than others. Below we have attached a picture outlining red flags to look for in an email.

What can you do to avoid being a victim of a phishing scam? Be wary of unsolicited emails. This can be from a stranger or a business associate. When possible, verify person-to-person the validity of an email before opening attachments or links. Use tools like to run scans on those links and files.

More tools and resources to come.