Breif Intro!

Hi there! Welcome to my website for my Legend of Zelda Project! My Name is Paige H and I'm a grade 12 student at Bayridge Secondary School. Below I've outlined some details about my grade 10 Greenfoot project where I recreated some of the mechanics and gameplay of the original NES game: The Legend of Zelda. I programmed this game as a beginner programmer and have since improved it to show off some of the cool things you can learn to program in the Bayridge Computer Science program!

How to Play:

Sneak Peak!

Here's a little sneak peak into some of the programming in my Game! This piece of code makes the Hero move around. If W, A, S, or D, are being pushed down, then the hero moves in the corresponding direction and the animation of the Hero moving is played.

The lines that say "setLocation(...) " are what "moves" the Hero! Greenfoot uses a grid system for the game, so this line is repeatedly setting the location of the Hero to a new location just slightly shifted over, making it look the character is walking around! (but shhhhh! the hero is actually just teleporting a few pixels over a bunch of times, over and over again).

Another Example

This is another snippet of code from my Game. It uses some really complicated language, but it's far simpler than it appears! 

All this says is that if the Hero is touching the wall, don't move! Making sure that the Hero can't walk through the walls.



Keese are flying bats! They fly around the level and hurt you upon contact!


Octorok's are ranged enemies! They shoot little bullets to hit the player.


Something you may have noticed in the gameplay is that the Hero you play as isn't Link! This game switches it up and Princess Zelda is the Hero this time around. She uses the Master Sword to attack enemies and a Magic Bubble as a Shield! 

So for all of this fun and more, come Check it out at the Kingston Science Rendezvous to play it for yourself!