Welcome to our Remote Learning Hub

On these pages, you will find ideas and guides to help support our families with remote learning. Click on the links on the side of the page to navigate to the different help pages.

We are using the Google Classroom platform to deliver our remote learning offer.

Each Monday, a new remote learning timetable will be uploaded to your child's Google Classroom. This will tell them everything they need to know about their learning and how to access it each day.

Children need to access Google Classroom using their Google login information. If you are unsure of this information, please contact the school on info@drew.lihtrust.uk and a member of staff will contact you as soon as possible to assist you.

If you need assistance in logging into your child's account please click here to access our technology help guides.

To know more about our Remote Learning Offer for your child, please click here.

In order to continue your learning at home, here are some websites which you can visit at any time:

Remember to use the same login and password that you use for Google Classroom.

Are you feeling worried about something?

With everything that is happening at the moment, it is perfectly normal to be worried. Even though you may not be in school, we are still here to listen, click on the button to access the Drew Worry Box.

If there are things which are making you feel sad, angry or upset then there are people you can talk to and some wonderful resources to help you.