

Human beings have the ability to speak many languages. In some countries where there are several official languages, such as Switzerland and Canada, a child is much more likely to learn two or three because they are exposed to those codes very early. For this reason, in many educational systems, bilingualism is no longer only committed, mainly focused on the teaching of English, but languages ​​such as French are taking more and more space.

By learning French, students become familiar with the language and culture of another member country of the European Community, expanding their possibilities of university and professional mobility and thus acquiring the necessary means to be true citizens of the world.

Early learning is necessary since, as is known, young children have a greater capacity to learn than those of later ages. For this reason, it is very convenient to start studying a second foreign language as soon as possible.

In this way, knowledge of a second foreign language and the ability to communicate with it contribute in a very positive way to the formation of our young people as people, endowing them with an open and inclusive mentality.   This workshop is taught by teachers from Oxford Education.

Class schedule:

Martes, miércoles y jueves de 14:30 a 15:30

Martes, miércoles y jueves de 15:30 a 16:30


Dos pagos de $6,000 a hacer en Septiembre 2024 y Febrero 2025.