Mr. Preston


Mr. Preston is our High School Bible teacher for grades 10-12.

*Please Note: Our Text Book for Bible 10, Bible 11, and Bible 12 is the The Bible itself. Every student must have a Study Bible (preferred translations: NIV, NASB, NKJV)!

Every student is expected to bring his/her Bible to Bible Class every day. Also, please remember to check (1) your Google Classroom and (2) your Homework Page every dayto ensure that you are current with the flow of our Course Assignments and to be prepared for the next day's class. Any assignment may be collected for evaluation and grade any day without prior notice.

Bible 10 - The Life and Ministry of Jesus from Creation to Consummation - This is a study of the role of the Son in Creation, a system of evangelism to those who may be involved in what is know as "New Age," entitled "The Gospel In the Stars," and a chronological study of the Four Gospels.

Bible 11 - The Life and Ministry of the Early Church - This is a chronological study of the Book of Acts and the New Testament Epistles, a system of evangelism known as "The Roman Road," and a Student Teaching Project during the fourth grading period.

Bible 12 - Developing a Dynamic Biblical Worldview - This is a thorough integrative study of our Christian faith with (a) many areas of academia and (b) discussion of the most controversial social and political issue of our day and includes units on evangelism: The Way of the Master, Time to Revive and Bridges (to the Muslim world) as well as an in-depth Research Paper / Teaching Project on a topic of the students choosing, approved by Mr. Preston, for the fourth quarter of the year.

Mr. Preston has his B.S. in Biology and Secondary Education, his M.A. in Bible and his Master of Divinity degrees and has taught Biology at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland and part-time here at Anderson University while attending the Anderson School of Theology and at Indiana Christian University. He began teaching at LCS in 1978, and was our school's second Administrator for 3 years. He left in 1987 to pursue the life of a bi-vocational pastor and short-term missionary to Brazil. Mr. Preston returned to Liberty in 2008 to teach secondary Bible and Honors Biology. He now teaches Bible 10. 11. 12. and H.S. Electives. Mr. Preston declares, "This is the best season of my life. In my "sweet sixties," I plan to teach here, should I live and the Lord wills (James4:15), until He comes or takes me home. It is my mission, my passion to 'infect' our young people with a deeper love for Jesus and for His Word and to help them to know and to take ownership of a rich faith with an unshakeable foundation with which to go forth into the world and fulfill their part of The Great Commission ~ Praise God!"

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