Additional Curriculum

Table of Contents 


Texas Education Code §74.38 requires all Texas public schools provide instruction to students in Grades 7-12 in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Liberty Hill ISD student's will participate in CPR instruction during their Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness course. 

Freedom Week 

Freedom Week: September 16-19, 2024

Texas Education Code Sec. 29.907 requires all Texas public schools celebrate Freedom Week during the week of September 17th. 

According to the Texas Education Code, the purpose of celebrating Freedom Week is "to educate students about the sacrifices made for freedom in the founding of this country and the values on which this country was founded"

Celebrate Freedom Week also coincides with Constitution Week. 

Liberty Hill ISD social studies courses provide instruction during Freedom Week. 

For more information please visit: Celebrate Freedom Week - TEA 

Holocaust Remembrance Week

Holocaust Remembrance Week: January 27-31, 2025

Texas Education Code Sec. 29.9072 requires all Texas public schools participate in Holocaust Remembrance Week. 

According to the Texas Education code, the purpose of Holocaust Remembrance Week is "to educate students about the Holocaust and inspire in students a sense of responsibility to recognize and uphold human value and to prevent future atrocities". 

Liberty Hill ISD social studies courses and English courses provide instruction during Holocaust Remembrance Week. 

For more information please visit: Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission 

Human Sexuality

In accordance with the Texas Education Code § 28.004, local board policy, and the Liberty Hill ISD School Health Advisory Council , LHISD provides students with human sexuality instruction at the Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School levels. To see specific instructional plans for each grade band/grade level, click on the link below:

Liberty Hill ISD Health, Hygiene and Sex Ed

Law Enforcement Interactions

Texas Education Code Sec. §74.39 requires all Texas public schools provide instruction in one or more courses to students in Grades 9-12 on proper interaction with peace officers during traffic stops and other in-person encounters. 

Liberty Hill ISD student's will participate in law enforcement interaction instruction during their high school Professional Communication course. 

Character Education

TEC §29.906 explains how character traits will be integrated into the essential knowledge and skills for K-12 including the following traits:

Vaping Instruction 

More information coming soon! 

Solar Eclipse Resources

Below is a list of resources for the annular solar eclipse on Saturday, October 14, 2023, and the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024.

An Annular Eclipse in 2023 and a Total Eclipse in 2024