What are Transition Services

Federal and State Requirements

In Ohio, students with disabilities ages 14 or younger, if appropriate, formally enter into the secondary transition planning process. A truly successful transition process is the result of comprehensive planning that is driven by the student’s preferences, interests, needs, and strengths. This comprehensive planning moves students toward successful future outcomes in competitive, integrated employment, education, and independent living.


Ohio Employment First

Ohio Employment First Transition Framework is a critical component to the Ohio Employment First structure and is intended to address barriers to transition planning and services in order to achieve meaningful adult outcomes. The Framework was developed by stakeholders from multiple agencies to create processes and highlight practices that can be used by all agencies. These common processes assist professionals to plan, prepare, empower, educate, and connect across systems so as to consistently assist youth with disabilities to realize meaningful, community employment and other valued aspects of adult life.

Links to their resources can be found here