Library Services

Learning never stops at LHS....

Below are all the online database resources that are made available to all LHS students through the LHS CITGO Innovation Academy. Please feel free to utilize them in the off campus hours. Information on usernames and passwords have been emailed to all students and staff at the beginning of the school year; however, if you have any questions please use the button above to email the library staff and we will be happy to assist you.


Through a wealth of short biographies, videos, quotes and primary source documents, users can utilize this database to connect today's issues with the foundations of government and compare the political and economic systems of the United States with other counties.

From the explorers of the Americas to today's headlines, this database investigates the people, events and themes of our nation's evolution. Integrating American politics, science, culture, philosophy and economics, the database explores the ongoing development of the United States.

Organized by country, content from this database helps users understand the unique characteristics of the world's nations and people in an increasingly globalized world. Nearly 40,000 primary and secondary sources help users gain insight about regions and countries and their demographics.

Human history from all corners of the globe - including Asia, Africa and the Americas - is documented from prehistoric times to the beginnings of the Renaissance in this authoritative database.

This database addresses, among other topics, the evolution of modern Europe since the Renaissance; concurrent developments in Asia, Africa and the Islamic world; the global impact of the Industrial revolution; and the last 100 years of conflicts and international cooperation.

This database provides comprehensive information on 14 conflict periods that have defined our nation, from its earliest beginnings to today.

This database presents comprehensive information and unique insights into modern genocide, focusing on the beginning of the 20th century to the present day.

This database helps users develop an in-depth understanding of how society shapes, and is shaped by, controversial issues. It does so through historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources covering enduring and timely issues of the day.

Organized by country, content from this database helps users understand the unique characteristics of the world's nations and people in an increasingly globalized world. Nearly 40,000 primary and secondary sources help users gain insight about regions and countries and their demographics.

This database set explores in depth a single "hot" issue in the news each week. CQ Researcher focuses on the United States, while Global Researcher utilizes a more global perspective. Topics range from social and teen issues to the environment, health, education, and science and technology. Reports produced are in-depth, forward-looking and objective.

This database provides engaging online content for those seeking contextual information on the world's most influential people. A user-friendly portal experience merges Gale's authoritative reference content with periodicals and multimedia. This resource is built on a foundation of more than 650,000 biographical entries and covers international figures from all time periods and areas of study.

This resource provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics and showcases how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues ranging from bacteria to obesity and weather. The collection includes millions of full-text articles that includes national and global publications as well as 200+ experiments, projects, and top reference content.

This database is a content-rich, authoritative, easy-to-use digital resource featuring age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics. The modern design and simple navigation makes it easy for beginning database users to explore content and gain comfort with database searching.

Authoritative, high-quality digital content is paired with interactive 3D models to empower a complete learning solution. Going beyond just simple, flat text on a page, it is a highly visual online tool that enables users can explore 3D models by zooming in, rotating, or pulling them apart.

This database provides information on a wide range of searchable topics that can be used for most course assignments. Searches result in sorted resource options, including summaries and definitions, news and reference articles, primary sources, and multimedia (including audio and video).

This database provides access to scholarly journal content published prior to 1923 in the United States, and prior to 1870 elsewhere. The content includes nearly 500,000 articles from more than 200 journals, covering topics ranging from the arts and humanities, to economics and politics, to mathematics and other sciences.

This general reference database contains thousands of full-text articles, exploring 300+ social, scientific, health, historic, business, economic, political and global issues. Articles and graphics are selected from domestic and international publications, and are indexed according to Library of Congress subject headings.

This database created for teens presents information using a sensitive, respectful and age-appropriate approach. Teen-friendly articles make complex topics understandable and give insight into the teen experience for teens themselves and those who support them.


Newsela offers national news and interest articles from around the country from reliable sources. All you have to do, is sign in with your Google account and read away!

A great place to start whenever you are beginning a new research paper or project is Noodle Tools. It can help organize your thinking and writing and help you keep track of the sources you use to build your bibliography (works cited) (sources).

Here is a short tutorial on how to get started with Noodle Tools.