Springtime of Artists

To celebrate the arrival of spring you can find a selection of our favorite artists, writers, song writers...

Actress to Royal to Author

Meghan Markle

Written by Lucie Billault

We all know Meghan Markle and her inspiring story. Actress on the famous show Suits, then her marriage to Prince Harry. With which comes her entrance into the English royalty, making her history as the first colored woman in the royal family. Finally the “Megxit '', the leave of her and Harry from royal life, which was the first exit from it by any family member. Finally, what most people don’t know, the writing of her children's book : The Bench.

This book was published the 8th of June 2021, and was a moderate success. It’s a picture book, for children, it follows the relationship between a father and his son through the mother’s eyes. We can guess that Meghan inspired herself with her husband Harry’s relationship with their son, Archie, and used her perspective on it to be able to make it as realistic as possible

I chose to talk about her because I think it’s very important for celebrities to inspire and influence their fans positively, as Meghan Markle does with hers.

Meghan Markle is an influential figure for many different people. Whether it’s for black women dreaming of their prince, or royal family members who feel trapped in their status, even people with a rocky relationship with their father, as she has with hers, she is an inspiration to them all.

Why read Orwell in 2022 ?

Written by Elina de Dreuille

I chose to write an article about English novelist, George Orwell, because I believe that he already has and will have a very important future impact on society. His works are mostly known for their political and anti-utopian aspects.

Eric Arthur Blair, mostly known by his pen name, George Orwell, is an English novelist, essayist, and critic. He was born on June 25th in 1903, and passed away 1950, in London, England, at the age of 47. He was born in India and grew up in Eton, England, where he attended Eton college, under Aldous Huxley. However, his poor grades and the fact that his family couldn’t afford to send him to university, prevented him from entering into Cambridge or Oxford. In 1936, Orwell got married to Eileen O’Shaughnessy, with whom he will have a son, Richard Blair. A few years later, he got married for the second time to Sonia Bronwell, an English writer.

One of his most famous novels, Animal Farm (1945), is a pure critique of history, and it is more precisely an allegory of Russia and the USSR. It is the story of a group of animals that take over their own farm and kick out their own farmer, Jones. Another one of his books, 1984 (1949), is a reflection of society under totalitarianism and dictature, probably the mirroring of his experience during the war. This novel is the dystopian story of Winston Smith, an average mundane citizen, who lives in a controlling world, in which privacy is nonexistent and mistakes are not permitted. These two novels are considered as his most popular books, but he has also written numerous other novels, poems as well as essays.

George Orwell is a famous artist and his works are a “must” in 2022 due to the fact that they are considered as “political writing into art” according to Radio Free Europe / Radio Free Liberty. This English author is known as a man with strong opinions. As he once said : “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. This quote shows his desire to make an impact throughout the decades and to influence generations.

In conclusion, I chose to present Orwell because he has been an influential author and he is still one nowadays.

Jane Austen; The First Feminist

Written by Capucine Jones

Jane Austen was one the first women who took a stand against arranged marriages, frivolous activities, social status and economic security.

“Reading is a wonderful way to dive into another world and Jane Austen is an author who lets your imagination go wild.”

Jane Austen was an English novelist who wrote books based in England in the 18th and 19th century. She used irony and sarcasm to give her characters life and spirit. She lived from 1787 to 1817 and became more famous after her death, as many influential artists did. She went to Oxford and almost died of typhus, resulting in homeschooling. The first book she wrote was “Sense and Sensibility”, in 1797, closely followed by “Pride and Prejudice” in 1811.

“Pride and Prejudice” follows Elizabeth Bennet, the headstrong protagonist who goes on a journey of self discovery and heartache. When Mr. Bingley comes to town and is pulled toward Jane Bennet, Elizabeth’s older sister; she makes the acquaintance of Mr. Darcy, a haughty man rumored to be very wealthy. Over the course of the novel, her opinion of him changes constantly until she discovers that he is in fact a kind man with her best interests at heart. Elizabeth also rejects Mr. Collins, a distant cousin, realising that she wants to marry for love, not social status or economic security, unlike her friend, Charlotte Lucas, who decides to take up on the rich, yet pompous single man. In the end, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth confess their love for each other, and the story ends happily ever after. This novel was adapted into many films, the most recent starring Keira Knightly and Matthew McFadyen.

“Emma” is the fourth novel written by Jane Austen in 1815, and talks about a young woman, Emma, the protagonist, who is aloof and naïve. She believes that she has a talent for matchmaking, and takes credit for any new couples. She is, however, blind to her own suitors, and this teaches her to be humble and become aware of what is happening in front of her nose. After learning of her so-called skill, she decides to try her luck with her friend, Harriet. She makes her refuse a marriage proposal from a farmer, setting her up instead with the local vicar, Mr. Elton. He mistakenly believes that Emma is in love with him and proposes to her. Facing rejection, he finds himself a wife, and Emma realises that Harriet belongs with the farmer, Mr. Martin. Harriet confesses that she is in love with Mr. Knightley, whom Emma is also in love with. This creates a tense feud between the two women but in the end, Harriett marries Mr. Martin, the farmer, who decides to propose again, thanks to a little nudge from Emma, and Mr. Knightley comes to his senses and proposes to Emma, who accepts joyfully. This novel has also been adapted into several films.

Honestly, I never say no to a good romance, and Jane Austen has plenty of those up her sleeve so to me she is already a wonderful author. She is such a relevant artist in 2022, save the fact that she is deceased, and she has boldly given her thoughts on how women are expected to live, a very brave decision given she lived in a time where liberal speech was not always granted to women, thus making her a role model for feminists and women in general, which is becoming more common in the 21st century, especially as women are beginning to gain equality with men, which is truly wonderful.

Vincent Munier’s work

The best polar wildlife photographer

Written by Louna Picard

I would like to present Vincent Munier, because I think he is a very important artist in the understanding of polar life.

Vincent Munier is a wildlife photographer who works on polar animals. He is a very famous and talented artist and he has received three times the Eric Hosking Award of the BBC Wildlife Wildlife Photographer of the Year and he won the Renaudot prize in 2019.

He was born in 1976 in France. He lived his childhood in the Vosges, and he made his first photo there when he was only twelve, in 1988.

As he tells now, he was left alone by his father in the forest, under his camouflage net. It was November, and he waited in the cold, watching at the leaves falling down to the ground. And then, a group of female deer appeared, and he pressed the trip of the camera with a shaking hand. Even if the image was blurred, at this moment, he knew that he would like to do this all his life.

He continued photography since then, and now, he is a famed photographer. He usually photographs blank spaces and polar wildlife. He is very discreet and talented and he has a very original way of photography : he took pictures of animals next to his cameras, pictures of polar bears walking on ice and underwater shots of seals.

Personally, I really like this artist because he has a unique way of seeing nature and photographing it. What I really like in his work is how he frames his pictures : sometimes he only photograph a bear’s paw and a bit of his leg, sometimes he takes a picture of the half of a wolf, and he usually takes pictures of big blank space and a small animal in the corner.

The streets of Banksy

The life of an artist that brings art to the streets.

Written by Rose Weiler

Street art is often referred to as meaningless graffiti and illegal tagging, but not for Banksy. Banksy is an anonymous English-based street artist, political activist and film director. His canvases are doors, street walls, and bridges all over the world. Banksy started freehand graffiti in 1990-1994. Nowadays, his most used technique is paint on stencil.

He criticizes political and social causes such as anti-war, but also human condition, for example greed, poverty and boredom.“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

Banksy created a documentary film in 2010 called: “Exit Through the Gift Shop”. The story is about a French immigrant in Los Angeles called Thierry Guetta, who is obsessed with street art. This story talks about all of his adventures in the city. This film won the: Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.

One of the most famous stories about his art are the following. The art piece, representing a girl holding a red balloon, was being sold at the auction. At the moment the judge hit the wooden circle to signal that the art had been sold, the painting started to self-destruct. Since then the price of the painting has doubled.

His most famous work is called “balloon girl” which represents childhood. It can be interpreted in two ways: a loss of innocence or the arrival of hope.

A second famous work of Banksy is “kissing coopers”. It showcases two British policemen kissing. It talks about acceptance of homosexuality.

Banksy is a must in 2022 because he expresses all the problems in the world through impactful and strong art. As I said before, he is a street artist. He thinks that art should be for everyone no matter what social class you are part of. Banksy is changing the world grafity after grafity. Every art piece makes people think when they see it in the street.

What do you think about Banksy?

Guillaume Prevost

Written by Tiago

Guillaume Prévost is 57 years old, is a French writer and he’s born in Madagascar. The series of books “le livre du temps” written by him, has 3 books: La Pierre Sculptée (February 9, 2006), Les Sept Pièces (January 25, 2007) and Le Cercle d'or (November 21, 2008). These 3 books were as well translate in English: Pierre Sculptée-the book of time (September 1, 2007), les Sept Pièces-the Gate of Days (October 1, 2008) and le Cercle d’or-The Circle of Gold (September 1, 2009). He’s also a history teacher in a school in Versailles.

New to Newton?

Get up to speed with Isaac !

Written by Pauline Borgida

Isaac Newton is one of the best mathematicians and physicists that ever lived. His works have made serious progress in science and our comprehension of the universe up to now. He is considered as one of the most important figures of the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century.

This is the reason why I want to introduce you to this amazing scientist.

Newton was born on January 4, 1642 in England and died on March 20, 1727.

Normally, he was supposed to manage the family farm but the farm life wasn’t for him. As he was a very good student, he was accepted at Trinity College, in Cambridge.

Newton didn’t know what he wanted to be or do, but during his studies, he began to be interested in mathematics, physics and astronomy.

When he entered Trinity College, the Scientific Revolution was already well advanced and some works had appeared: works from the astronomers Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler; Galileo also proposed works and philosophers like Rene Descartes had started to formulate a new conception of nature.

Isaac Newton is known for his theory on universal gravitation, for being the founder of classical mechanics. He also worked a lot in optics and invented the reflecting telescope who is named after his name: Newton’s Telescope

In 1687, he published a book called Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which is considered as a major work in the history of science. In this book, he wrote the universal law of gravitation, formulated the three universal laws of motion that have been unchanged and any improvements have been done for more than two centuries. He also talks about some classical mechanics bases.

Why Isaac Newton is a must in 2022:

First, Isaac Newton will never be forgotten. He allowed us to understand the world around us and made huge progress in a lot of subjects such as physics, optics, astronomy, and philosophy.

Second, we should start discovering Newton at a younger age and read his work, to be aware of our surroundings and be interested earlier in science. It can also inspire people to do more research in science and can motivate them to be the next Isaac Newton. Everybody has access to Newton’s work and should utilize it to improve our knowledge.

Will you be the one to make the new world changing discovery ?

Adele the star

The artist which began by breaking through the records

Written by Gabriel Colon

Her entire name is Adele Laurie Blue Adkinsshe was born the 5 May 1988 and made her first album in 2006, it is called brit school and became very famous very fast. She is a British singer and artist that is very engaged in many subjects. She loves singing but her divorce had a big impact in her career and she just made sad songs for a time.

In 2012, she released "Skyfall", a sound track single for the James Bond film of the same name, which won the Academy Award, it is a prize. Her third studio album, named 25, was released in 2015 and became the year's best-selling album, it also broke the first week sales record.

Her two best songs are: “to be loved” and “easy on me”. You should know this singer because she is very famous. She performed in many countries like Australia, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands and many other countries in North America. Because she is known by all the world She was inspired by Etta Jones and the Spice girls. She has listened to their songs since she was a little girl.

I like her songs because she has been very creative while she composes them and the way she sings is very special.

Earth or Mars ?

If humanity doesn't land on mars in my life time, I will be very disappointed. Elon Musk

Written by Marco Morand

He was born on the 28th June 1971, he is the director of SpaceX, Tesla. He is the richest man on Earth.

Elon Musk's plan is to colonize Mars and having a permanent colony on it is the goal of his life

He has already started building a starship, a rocket, with The Nasa, Seti and many American universities to prepare for the colonization of mars. He wants to start in 2054.

Today, Elon Musk is influencing the world and affecting the world because he is the richest man on Earth, he is the CEO of Tesla. He has a really ambitious project, a space travel project, or giving 100 millions dollars to the person who finds the solution for air pollution (how to capture CO2).

He made an interesting speech, where he spoke about space travel and it's really interesting to know how he's going to prepare for the colonization of mars and also because he encourages you, for example, to start your own business.

In conclusion, we can say that he wants the world to change. He encourages people to innovate in new technology or a new system, because he is giving 100 millions dollars to the people who find a solution to air pollution.