7th Grade

8th Digital Lesson Plan 4_20-4_24.pptx.pdf

Weekly Schedule: Click on schedule to download and/or print.

7th Digital Lesson Plan 4_6-4_9.pptx.pdf

Past Schedules: Click on date to download

Classroom Teacher Information:

*Each teacher has a google classroom.

*Some teachers have information on their website. You can write your work from there or print out and put in your planner to organize what you have to do.

*If you click in the upper right hand corner and hit "to do" it will streamline all of your classes for assignments. You can see all the due dates for your classes or just one. GREAT TOOL!

Mrs. Blair:


Mrs. Enos:


Mrs. Perez:


Mrs. Solt:


Mrs. Wilkinson


Mrs. Pepin


Office Hours Monday through Friday:

Mrs. Solt: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11 are zoom sessions session code: 949-799-676; 8-4 for emails

Mrs. Enos: 8L30-10:30 for immediate feedback; till 4 but may take a bit longer to get back

Mrs. Wilkinson: Zoom Office Hours: 10-11 Wednesday and Friday.; Quick Email Replies: 9-11 Daily

Mrs. Perez: