Miss Guirguis' Class

Welcome to sixth grade!

Use our class website as a weekly resource to stay organized, practice, and study!

Please ask your student to review their take-home planner with you every day.

Using the planner will help your student be prepared for the rigors of 7th and 8th grade and assists them in developing the organizational skills needed for success in the years ahead.

Week of May 4-8

Announcements for Parents

School Closure Info

Parents, during this uncertain time we hope to be a constant in you and your students life. We have constructed a daily plan for the assignments that should be completed by the end of the week if possible. This will insure that learning will happen regardless of where it is taking place. Check back here each Monday for a new plan for the week.

All daily assignments and videos will be placed in each teacher's google classroom.

We as a 6th grade team are excited and ready to have you stand with us as we support our kids in this new adventure of at home learning. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Stay current with PE Information: https://sites.google.com/a/lfcsinc.org/ms-pepin/

Remote Learning Plan 5_4-5_8.pptx.pdf

From the Sixth Grade Team