Phone: 803-476-4931

Email: jlarson@lexrich5.org

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Theatre/Speech & English (St Ambrose  University, Davenport, Iowa)
M.A.T. Theatre (USC-Columbia)
G/T Endorsed

Japan Memorial Fund Fulbright SC Educator, 2006

Department of English Adjunct Faculty, USC-Columbia

Jennifer Larson



Room 507 

Jennifer has taught theatre and public speaking at all levels of education for the past 24 years.  She is very excited to begin her second year at DFMS!  

The 2024-2025 school year will have two-course sections available: Drama I (7th or 8th-grade course, no audition required) and Honors 8th Grade Drama (8th-grade only course, year option, audition required).

 Please feel free to come by at any time.  Ms. Larson has an open-door policy!

"Theatre is often called the “coming together” and “synthesis” of all the Arts."

-South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Theatre Proficiency 

Mark your calendars!

The Honors 8th-grade Drama Students will perform the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, JUNIOR in collaboration with the Exploratory Semester One Dance students on November 14 and November 15 on the stage in our DFMS cafeteria space.  Both shows begin at 6:30 p.m.  There will be an admission charge for all students and adults.  There is no admission charge if you are a DFMS employee (or a family member of one).  

The Honors 8th-grade Drama students will perform a SPRING PLAY (TBA) on May 1 and May 2 on the stage in our DFMS cafeteria space.  Both shows begin at 6:00 p.m.  There will be an admission charge for all students and adults.  There is no admission charge if you are a DFMS employee (or family member of one).

Employability Skills Acquired Through Study of Theatre 

Adapted from Student Employability Profiles: A Guide for HE Practitioners, The Higher Education Academy