IB LEarners Profile and Commitments
Conduct Commitments
I understand that my child is expected to abide by all school rules as noted in the Irmo High Code of Conduct.
I understand that my child is expected to follow the IHSs IB Academic Honesty expectations and refrain from academic dishonesty.
I understand that my child is required to cooperate and conduct himself/herself with teachers, staff, and classmates in a manner showing respect for all persons.
I understand that my child is to complete all assignments, including homework. I understand that the assignments must be on time and of appropriate quality in order to be accepted by the teacher and receive full credit.
I understand that my child is to respect and care for all personal and school supplies and property.
I understand that any charges caused by retaking exams or missed deadlines will be charged to the individual student (IB and AP exams, only).
I understand that missing an IB examination is a failing condition of the IB Diploma. Any student who misses an IB exam may be charged the full cost of all IB Diploma tests and fees.
The privilege of taking IB courses rests upon the personal responsibility of the child and parent/guardian. I agree that my child will adhere to the above expectations in order to remain in the IB Diploma Program.
Program Commitments (see specific details for each program)
I understand that enrollment in the program requires:
This is a two-year commitment.
Enrollment in the program requires program and conduct commitments from students and parents/guardians.
I must show academic success by the second semester of sophomore year.
Students who withdraw from a course after five school days in a 90-day course or 10 school days in a 180-day course are assigned a WF (50), which is calculated in the student’s overall grade point average as a 0.00. Due to these constraints, withdrawal from the Program will not be permitted after the 10th day of school.
IB Candidates who do not complete the Core requirements by the due dates will not be registered for the May IB exams.
Additional fees for the IB courses may be collected and can be reviewed on the district’s website.
I must commit the time required to complete the IB Core components.
I must complete all required courses.
I must complete all IB Core components.