E-S-P Professional Learning

Make Way for High-Quality ESP-PD!

High-quality professional development is an integral part of the teaching and learning process in that well-designed learning experiences for educators lead to better learning experiences and outcomes for our students. If ever there was a place that gets professional development right, it is the Lexington Public Schools! The Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Learning offered 15 professional learning courses and workshops this summer, with 215 participants investing more than 4,000 hours to enhance their knowledge and hone their instructional skills to provide even better experiences for students in the Lexington Public Schools. In the upcoming school year, professional learning will be focused on three educator-identified themes that we fondly refer to as “E-S-P PD,” including:

  1. E​quity

  2. S​ocial and Emotional Learning

  3. P​roject-Based Learning.

On November 6, 2018, we will convene for our annual Lexington Learns Together (LLT) annual professional development day. More than 150 sessions will be offered, focusing on the three E-S-P strands. Many thanks to all our educators for making high-quality professional development a top priority in the Lexington Public Schools!