Viva la Vida by Frida Kahlo (1954)


La clase de Español - Sra. Considine

Read our welcome letter here for 7th

Read our welcome letter here for 8th

WELCOME to Señora Considine's Spanish Class: I hope you all enjoyed your summer vacation and are excited to be at Diamond. In our Spanish class, we will explore new, fun themes relevant to middle schoolers like you. We will use authentic materials (reading, audio, video) throughout the year to help you become proficient in the language and the various Hispanic cultures. Other fun and engaging activities will also be used in class to help you learn and retain what you learn.


WHAT TO BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY: You will not be assigned a textbook for this course. All instructional materials will be posted in Google Classroom and hard copies will also be given out before and/or during every lesson. In addition to these provided materials, you will also need the following for class everyday.

      • Writing utensils (pens and/or pencils).

      • A notebook or notebook paper in a section of a binder.

      • Your fully charged Chromebook and ear buds.

      • Most importantly, the desire and enthusiasm to learn!!!


SECRETS TO YOUR SUCCESS: each student should...

      • ...come to class on time.

      • ...have the necessary materials.

      • ...come with a positive attitude.

      • ...participate and try to be a good language learner.

      • ...not use online translation tools to get work done. Click here for more details.

      • ...ask teacher for help when necessary.

      • ...try some enrichment activities on your own.


USE OF TARGET LANGUAGE IN CLASS: One of our main goals is to help students become comfortable using Spanish and become more proficient with practice. To accomplish this, students will need to actively engage in class and ask/respond to the teacher and classmates in Spanish. You are encouraged to have fun and take risks and learn from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others.


HOMEWORK: Homework is meant to help you review and reinforce the day's learning and prepare you for the next day's activities. To keep yourself from falling behind in class, you should complete your homework by the due date.

      • Homework assignments will be posted daily on your grade level 7th or 8th under the section TAREA.

      • Try to do the best you can. If you truly get stuck, email me or ask a classmate or a family member.


GRADING: Our curriculum is divided into different learning standards (speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture). The standards-based grading system will be used to measure students' progress towards each of these standards.