Ciao a tutti e Benvenuti!

I would like to welcome you to a unique learning experience. Join me as we travel through Italy's amazing art, cuisine, literature, music, and vibrant lifestyle. Discover the beauty of a language that has been refined by centuries of enriching exposures and extensive contact with other languages and civilizations. Learning Italian teaches you about your native language and culture and will make you a more active participant in a global community. Congratulations on embarking on this exciting adventure.

Carissimi studenti,

Grazie per aver deciso di studiare italiano. Insieme scopriremo le ricchezze artistiche, storiche, letterarie e culinarie della lingua e cultura italiana. Scoprirete la bellezza di un linguaggio che si è arricchito tramite il contatto millenario con altre culture e civiltà. Studiando l'italiano capirete meglio la vostra lingua natia e diventerete attivi partecipanti di una comunità globale. Congratulazioni per esservi imbarcati in questa entusiasmante avventura.

Buon viaggio!

SCHOOL: Lexington High School

CLASS: Italian 2CP, Italian 2H, Italian 3H, Italian 3 CP, Italian 4 AP, Italian 4 CP1

SCHOOL PHONE: 781-861-2320

All documents, announcements, and information about assignments can be found in our Google Classroom.

Parents/Guardians/Tutors - If you'd like more information about the assignments posted in the calendar, please feel free to ask your child to log in to Google Classroom. If you have any questions, email me at or come and see me in room 518.