Frequently Asked Questions

Community Service FAQ Table of Contents

How do I submit my hours?

All students must submit their hours using the new LHS Community Service Google Form. If students already have a signed paper copy of their community service form, they should still submit their hours through the Google Form and upload a scan/photo of the signed form as their verifying document. They should retain the paperwork for their records.

What “counts” as community service?

Community Service is defined as an act or activity performed by an individual without compensation or academic credit, whose time and effort will benefit/aid a non-relative person or group of people and without direct religious or political involvement. An opportunity does not need to appear on our website or be pre-approved to count, it simply needs to meet the requirements listed in the community service guidelines section of our website.

What’s a valid verifying document?

A valid verifying document must include the total number of hours completed and must be either a signed LHS Community Service Form, a signed Certificate of Service, or a formal letter on the organization's letterhead.

Other acceptable verifying documents include: a copy of the email correspondence between the student and the organizer of the activity, a screenshot of the student’s time/hours log (see here sample of a student-created time log), photo documentation of the student performing the activity and or photos of the final product/result (e.g. photos of the student’s completed coloring pages).

When are the deadlines?

The deadlines listed on the website are only guidelines to help students stay on track. No one wants to scramble to complete 40 hours of service during April of their senior year! As long as the work is completed after students graduate 8th grade and verifiable, I will accept the hours. My priority is getting students credit for their work.

What is the community service requirement?

Each student at LHS is required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service during their high school career in order to graduate. Transfer students must perform 10 hours per year of attendance at LHS.

Is the community service requirement waived?

Seniors are still required to complete 40 community service hours over the course of their 4 years at LHS. We are not waiving the graduation requirement during this 2020-2021 school year, but rather providing opportunities that students can participate in safely from their home. Please see the LHS Community Service Website for a list of upcoming and ongoing community service opportunities. If, at any point, we make a change to our graduation requirement, it will be communicated by the principal.

When will my hours be updated?

While the community service coordinator makes an effort to enter in community service time sheets as they are received, submissions are prioritized by class (Grade 12, 11, 10 and then 9). As stated on our website, “Community service hours will be uploaded to Aspen after each marking period.” Please see the LHS Calendar for important dates this school year. Thank you for your patience.

Where can I find more community service opportunities?

Please see our Community Service Opportunities Page for a list of upcoming and ongoing community service opportunities. Newest opportunities are posted first.

What if…? What about…? I don't see my question here!

If you still have more questions or concerns, you can reach out to me at or stop by to see me in room 156. I'm happy to set up virtual meetings as well!

What should a time log for community service include?

  • Student Name
  • Student year of graduation
  • A description of the activity (what did you do?)
  • The date of the service performed
  • The time of the service performed
  • A short description of the result of the service (I created 4 masks, I wrote 10 thank you cards, I performed a 1 hour piano recital at the senior center, etc.)
  • The total hours