Welcome to the 4th annual 2024 Lexington Invitational (aka LexSO) hosted by the Lexington High School Science Olympiad team! Here you'll find all the details about the competition!
We are open to Division B and C teams across the country! Our invitational will take place in mid April, providing practice opportunities for qualifying teams before nationals, and a reason to extend the season for non-qualifying teams because we all need more Science Olympiad in our lives! We will run all 23 events in the Satellite SO format using national-level rules. Written tests will have 48-hour open testing (4/13-4/14) and build tests will have week long open testing (4/7-4/13) for flexible scheduling. Registration is $50/team for the first team for each school and $40 for every team after that. Fee waivers are available, please reach out to us! Join us to have some fun!
Normal fee registration will be open until 4/1. After that, a late fee of $20 per team will incur, and the final deadline is 4/6.
NOTE: All times listed on this website and the Scilympiad are in ET
Thanks to our amazing sponsors, we will have special prizes this year!