eBooks, Audiobooks and Magazines

Tutorial Video - How to access eBooks & audio books from the LPS elementary catalogs for grades 3-5. Start your search here.Get the App - PDF Directions
Easy access to eBooks and educational databases.
School: LPS Elementary SchoolsUsername: remotePassword: learning
Easy to use eBooks from a name you trust. Check out the eye icon for an easy visual search. Username: continuePassword: reading
In partnership with Boston Public Library free eBooks & audiobooks for K-5.User: tumble735Password: books
Thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles. Choose "e" for eBooks. Username: wbsupportPassword: distancelearn


Paired fiction and non-fiction texts. Weston Woods videos and ebooks for K-3 Username: Learning20Password: Clifford

Scholastic Learn at Home Fiction & nonfiction books paired with videos and learning activities.
Fiction and nonfiction books. Username: info@knowbuddyresources.com Password: KNOWBUDDY


800+ interactive eBooks and learning links.Username: guestPassword: follett
Narrated books in multiple languages.
Collection of digital magazinesUsername: lpslibrariesPassword: library19!