
Social Emotional Learning!

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Welcome to the Hastings social emotional learning website! This website is intended to help you better understand the social emotional learning that we are doing in school. There are also a variety of resources for you to access, if you are looking for ways to support your child's learning at home.

What is social emotional learning?

Self-awareness: Know your strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a "growth mindset."

Self-management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate yourself to set and achieve goals.

Social awareness: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Relationship skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek and offer help when needed.

Responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety, and social norms.

Casel 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our family recently moved to Lexington, how do I help my child/children make social connections?
      • Beyond the school setting, Lexington has several community outlets including Hayden Recreational Center, Lexington Recreation, Cary Library, Cary Hall, and the Munroe Center for the Arts. For a thorough listing of additional resources and town events please click here: https://www.lexingtonma.gov/
  • How can I support my child's social and emotional growth at home?
      • Build and establish consistent routines and expectations with your child.
      • Support perspective taking when attempting to help your child solve a conflict (i.e. ask them to consider another child's perspective when there is a disagreement).
      • Encourage your children to solve problems with increasing levels of independence.
      • Talk with your child about a time when you struggled with something or had a problem with a peer. Share with them how you solved this problem and how you felt.
      • Create a morning/ afternoon/ evening checklist to promote independence.
      • Minimize screen time, especially before bed.
      • Read a variety of genres with your child and discuss the main characters emotions and decisions.
      • See the parent letter that corresponds with your child's grade for more activities you can do at home.
  • What should I do if have concerns that my child is not making friends at school?
      • Encourage your child to have regular play dates with peers from their class or grade level! Try and make it a priority for your child to name a peer they would like to have over (this doesn't have to be at your house- have them meet at the park, meet at the library, etc.) on a regular or monthly basis.
      • Encourage your child to sign up for a recreational activity with a friend! Hayden Recreational Center has some great extracurricular activities!
      • Schedule an appointment with your child's classroom teacher. They are eager to help with suggestions and give you feedback as well.
  • English is not our family's first language. How can I support my child's social emotional learning? Are there resources we can use?
      • We have a team of English Language Learner instructors (ELL) who play a very important role in supporting students as they adjust to a new culture and language. Check out their website to see the many resources and additional information they have to offer. Please reach out to them for additional resources or schedule an appointment if you would like to relay additional concerns.
      • Lexington also offers a number of cultural groups that get together on a regular basis. This could offer additional support for you and your family and allow your children to meet other children in the community who are similar culturally! To learn more about the different groups go to https://www.lexingtonma.gov/home/pages/community-organizations and look under Social Organizations or Religious Organizations.