Apollo Team

Welcome to the Apollo Team at Jonas Clarke Middle School!

August 2024

Hello, Apollo students and families!

Welcome to the Apollo Team!  We hope you are having a wonderful summer and imagine that you are contemplating the school year to come.  As your science (Ms. Kious), math (Mr. Frost), US history/Civics (Mr. Romulus), Academic Support (Ms. Clark) & English (Ms. Gagnon) teachers, we look forward to spending the year with you as you reach new academic skill sets and personal goals. 

When you return to school, please make sure you have the following supplies. Teachers will also specify any individual class needs during the first few days of school.

Team supplies: 

Our goal for you this year is to continue to help you develop your reading, writing and academic skills as we prepare you for your high school career.  As 8th graders, we additionally look to you as leaders of the school who model Clarke’s BARK values (balance, acceptance, resilience, and kindness) in our team classes, off-campus field trips and throughout the building.  As we grow as a team, we look forward to getting to know each of you and your families.  

Please accept our best wishes for a pleasant end to your vacation and know that we look forward to meeting you soon!

All the best,

Apollo Team Teachers

Teacher Contact information:

Ms. Jo Gagnon (Team Leader, English)

Mr. Josh Frost (Math)

Mr. Ramille Romulus (US History/Civics)

Ms. Sarah Kious (Science)

Ms. Jillian Clark  (SPED Liaison)

Guidance Counselor: Ms.Jenny Kim