Course & Participation Expectations

“From the earliest levels, teachers must help students and their families understand that grades do not reflect who you are as a learner, but where you are in your learning journey… Teachers must emphasize to their students that achieving less than mastery doesn’t mean you can’t make it, but only that you haven’t made it yet, and there’s more to do.”

“Can Grades Be an Effective Form of Feedback?”  by Thomas Guskey in Kappan, November 2022 (Vol. 104, #3, pp 36-41)

Course Expectations 23-24

Weekly Participation/Autonomy Expectations

Class Participation Rubric

General Course Information and Resources 

MLA Template for MLA Format

MLA Template

Annotation Expectations and Reference Sheet

Annotation Guide/Expectations

Interactive To-Do List/HW Planner

Sample Interactive To-Do List/HW Planner

Weekly HW Tracker - Template

Weekly HW Tracker - Template