Individual Counseling

Short-term/Brief Individual Counseling

We are available to meet with individual students about things that are happening in their lives, both inside and outside of school. Every student knows that school counselors are safe grown-ups in our school that are available to speak to about feelings, home life, friendship, grief, and more.

With a classroom full of kids, teachers simply cannot pause the day to dedicate 20+ minutes to one student - this is where we come in! If a student is in "crisis" (i.e. crying, inconsolable, angry, etc.) we will see that student immediately in the hopes that with our help, they will be able to return to class and be able to take on the rest of the day. If a student wishes to talk about something going on, we will do our best to find time in the week to see them! We always try to avoid pulling students during times of core curriculum, Encore, or fun activities and work closely with the teachers to ensure that the student will not miss too much.


If a student needs additional support outside of our realm of experience, we are able to refer the student to our on-site Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Anitra Johnson. We also have other mental health resources available.

Do you believe that your child would benefit from individual school counseling?

Please fill out the Parent/Guardian Referral Form

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