2nd -6th Grade Health and Physical Education


Governor Bullock has extended the school closure until April 24th. Be prepared for the closure to be longer.

Please continue to do your running log for activities that you have been doing! This is important for your 4th quarter grade. We will continue the log either until the closure ends or the school year ends.

Continue to go to my Google Classroom for assignments. I will add a new assignment after we get back from Easter Break!!

Up Coming Assignments

  • Please go to my google classroom to view the assignments that I have given you.

  • Do not forget to use this site for activities to keep you and your families active during this time.

  • You do need to keep a running log of the physical activity that you have done and will do.

Homework (Required by all students)

Students will be required to keep a google doc or paper pencil diary of Physical Activities they do throughout the week.

  • Write down description of activity that you did. (Short does not have to be a huge description)

  • Each student should have at least 5 Physical Activity descriptions each week!

  • Google Doc or Word document can be sent to Mr. Lear at the end of each week via email or drive.

Paper Pencil Diary will be turned in with your teachers homework packet handouts or when the school decides to have homework turn in. (Keep a running diary until we figure out turn in time)

This is REQUIRED in order to get a grade for quarter 4!

LesMills Workouts


Born To Move has age leveled workouts to fit all age levels. Make sure the video doesn't have a lock on it. Not all videos will be free and unlocked.

Distance Fitness

It is important for students during this time to spend time outside and being active. If you cannot get outside I have links that will keep you and your child active during this time. Make sure you set a schedule to have your child wake up as if it is a regular school day so that they get into the same routine at home as they did at school. Breakfast is the most important meal for children. Continue to work on good hygiene at home as well.

Youtube: Search: Zumba Kids

Fun Activities:

Have kids help at home with cleaning and cooking.

Go outside for a walk.

Put on fun music and dance.

Animal walks: Crab walk, Bear crawl, Bunny hop

Chair squats