IMC Guidelines


If you need 25 or more copies of an item, please send it to the IMC. If you need fewer than 25 copies, you may use the copier(s) in your own building, but it is still okay to use IMC services.

All items to be copied must be “copy ready.” Originals (masters) should be sent on white paper, and be neat and clean with no folds, wrinkles, tape, staples, white-out or glue.

Documents must have at least a 3/8-inch white edge around the entire page (no black edging).

Anything to be bound must have at least 1/2 inch clear on the side to be bound.

Any copyrighted materials to be copied MUST be accompanied by a copyright release before they will be copied, regardless of the year shown for the copyright date.

Copies from books can be made only if the book edge is able to be cut off and bound or 3-hole punched. (A copyright release must also accompany your order.)

For copies on construction paper, please send paper along with your project. (All pieces of construction paper must be exactly the same size to be run through the copier. If you need over-sized paper cut to size before copying, please send it to the IMC rather than cutting it yourself.)

Signatures are no longer needed for color copies or colored paper. However, please practice restraint on the use of these more expensive materials as excessive use may be brought to the attention of your building’s principal.


In general, laminating will not be cut out by IMC staff.

NO METAL - Please check for staples and remove them.

Items must be less than 25 inches wide to fit into the laminator.

Laminating is generally done in batches when there are multiple items to be done, typically near the end of the work week. Please plan accordingly.

Projects that involve printing AND laminating may be included in the same request ONLY if they may be laminated without any additional preparation beforehand (ie. cutting out, mounting to folders, etc.). If this additional prep is needed, please submit a request only for the printing. Once the completed print job is returned to you and you have done the pre-laminating prep, submit a new request for the lamination step.


All orders must include a specific date needed or risk being put on the bottom of our priority list.

Please allow at least 3 to 5 school days for completion of copy orders and at least a week for other orders, not including delivery time to/from the IMC. Depending upon the volume of requests, your job will likely be ready earlier than requested, but please plan according to this timeline.

If you are sending more than 2-3 weeks worth of copying in one order, please allow for extra time when specifying your desired completion date.

Unless other arrangements are made, completed orders will be delivered via the District mail system.

Updated 8/9/2022