Teaching and Learning

Integrating technology in American Government

In part 1 of this lesson, students were given actual party platforms for each of the candidates in the 2020 election to look over. However, each candidate's name was replaced with a made up name. In the example above "Amy Klobuchar" was replaced with "Amanda Klayton". Students were to select their choice of the hypothetical candidate based on the platform alone - without the bias that may come from knowing the actual candidate.

Google Forms

In part 2 of the lesson, students then voted for their preferred "candidate" based on the real platforms they read in part 1. Students believed they were giving a practice vote for the 2020 election candidates before we actually took a class survey of the real candidates.

Google Forms

In part 3 of the lesson, students studied the anonymous results of their practice election. The "real" names of the candidates were also revealed and many students realized that the candidate who they had initially supported had changed when they were only given the party platforms to look at. We then discussed why it is necessary to be an informed citizen and the responsibility that comes with voting.

State Standards for American Government assignment:

SS HS.1.2.a Investigate how individuals and groups can effectively use the structure and functions of various levels of government to shape policy.

SS HS.1.2.f Analyze various media sources for accuracy and perspective.

7-12 Business

My Introduction to Business class was asked to create a business plan for either a new business or a business already established. Persefenie Woutzke decided to do hers on Walmart.

Business Brochure

Carleigh Weyers

Henry Doorly Zoo

Marketing Brochure

7-12 Band

Lewiston Pep Band

Pre-K 4

Pre-K 4 students are using the block center to create a tower with magnetic blocks.

Through the block center, students are using their gross and fine motor skills as they build complex structures that requires balance and hand-eye coordination.

Pre-K 4 students are excited to share their passports as they learn about holidays around the world.

Pre-K 4 students are using the dramatic play center to play house.

The dramatic play center engages students through imaginative play, expanding vocabulary, and practicing sharing and taking turns.

Enjoying a story and snack on a warm November afternoon.

Listening and talking helps students build their vocabulary.

7-12 Science

7-12 students are enjoying phenomenon based science curriculum that has been aligned to NGSS Nebraska State Standards.

Units are developed to facilitate student's development of problem solving, critical reasoning, and core content knowledge skills--with an emphasis on hands-on learning and project based assessments.

4th Grade & HS Science

Lewiston teachers and students collaborate through unique learning experiences just like the science demonstration pictured above.

Lesson Plans - Example

As a school we use Planbook for all Pre-K-12 as an organized and efficient way to make lesson plans. Planbook can be made visible to our administration, students, and parents each week.

Pre-K 3

Curriculum: Learn Everyday and Supplemental

Assessment: Teaching Strategies Gold

Domains Assessed: Social/Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Language, Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art

Social Emotional cooperative learning taking place during a small group problem solving opportunity

Second Step is our social emotional curriculum. Students are taught specific skills to help with social interactions.

Physical Skills developing through outdoor play.

Other ways physical skills are developed: PE class, and fine motor activities such as cutting, writing, and using small manipulatives.

Cognitive Skills developing through block play by designing, persisting, and experiencing pride in accomplishments

All learning centers allow opportunities for children to explore, ask questions and solve problems.

Language Skills. developing during large group experiences as students and teachers share ideas.

Language is also developed through all experiences throughout the day. Students and teachers engage in conversations skills throughout the day.

Literacy Skills developing as students take "notes" on their observations.

Books are also placed in each learning center, and story time is integrated into several parts of our day. LIbrary specials also occur and students have access to the elementary library.

Math Skills developing through configuring various geometric shapes

Students also practice patterning, counting, and expressing spatial relations through similar hands on experiences.

SCIENCE is explored through inquiry based studies throughout the year

This year's inquiry has included topics of trees, pumpkins, clothing, as well as seasons.

SOCIAL STUDIES is integrated into the studies we do, as we discuss how the various subjects impact our own selves, families, and world.

ARTS are experienced through dance, music, project based experiences. We have a specials teachers who also come lead activities in art and music throughout the week.

TEACHING STRATEGIES GOLD FALL 2020 Assessment Snapshot for Lewiston Preschool

Preschool assessments are measured throughout 3 checkpoints each year: Fall, Winter, and Spring.